Sunday, August 2, 2015

DAY 2: Cardio Workout A

Equipment needed: one dumbbell (20 pounds for men and 10 pounds for women are good weights to start, but go as light or heavy as needed); a box, bench, or step

Time: 30 minutes

Directions: There are two different cycles in this workout. For each cycle, perform two minutes of straight work, and then rest one minute. Do cycle 1 first. That's one round. Do cycle 2 next. That's two rounds. Continue to alternate cycles until you reach 10 total rounds.

Cycle 1: Perform the following four movements in a row. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, and then move immediately on to the next one. Once you're finished all four moves (which will take 2 minutes), rest 1 minute before moving on to cycle 2.

1. Box squat jump
2. Hands-elevated mountain climber
3. Alternating stepup jump
4. Facemelter

Cycle 2: Perform the following two movements in a row. Do reps on your right side for one minute, and then immediately switch sides and do reps for one minute. Once you've completed both sides, rest 1 minute before starting cycle 1 again.

1. Turkish getup, right
2. Turkish getup, left

Optional abs work:
30-second hollow-body hold during each 1-minute rest period

Optional fat-burning finisher: 10 minutes of any type of cardio

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